Nursing Excellence in Cancer Care - Cancer Nurses Society of Australia Podcast

Demystifying the support options for mesothelioma patients: social, financial & legal

Episode Summary

In this CNSA Podcast, we demystify the support options and processes available to mesothelioma patients, including the social, financial & legal aspects. CNSA CEO, Jemma Still, is joined by Beth Ivimey, Specialist Lung Cancer Nurse and Raelene Lingam, Legal Counsel from Slater and Gordon’s New South Wales Asbestos & Dust Diseases team. The discussion incudes the impact of mesothelioma on patients and their carers, how to support the patient including social worker and legal support as well as new treatment advances. Nurse referral for support & resources: ADDRI NURSE SUPPORT CO ORDINATORS - 02 97679800 CANCER COUNCIL IN ANY STATE OF NSW MESO UK is a great online resource & support group that welcomes Australians. International Thoracic Oncology Nurses Forum - ITONF Please contact ITONF to locate a lung cancer nurse in the state where you live if a lung cancer nurse is not employed in your hospital for support for yourself & your patient.